

I'm Amanda! I'm glad you are here. My blog is dedicated to budget friendly home design, healthy lifestyle & beauty. Let's connect!<3

 House Plants 101

House Plants 101

House plants can be tricky, and for many very intimidating. But once you get the hang of things (with lots of trial and error), you will feel confident adding plants anywhere in your home. Plants are the simplest way to brighten and add style to any room. Not to mention the many health benefits they add (reducing airborne dust, keeping temperatures down, reducing pollutants and carbon dioxide levels, etc). It has taken me several years to develop a "green thumb" and I'm pretty proud with the progress I have made so far. I used to kill plants left and right! I hope these tips help you avoid making the same mistakes that I made :) 



1. Get To Know Your Plants!

Take time to study your plants before purchasing them. I am guilty of buying pretty plants for a space without doing my research first, and the outcome typically isn't good. Pick the correct plant for the space, not the other way around. There are plenty of plants that will fit your desired look and space without compromising your plants health.  All the other tips are useless without this one so take notes!

side note: If you have any fur babies in your home, make sure that you choose plants that are not toxic for them. Many plants can cause life threatening illness to your pets, so make sure to do your research :)


2. Lighting!

 Cast iron plants (Aspidistra elatior) and snake plants (Sansevieria), don't mind hanging out in a dim corner, or hallway. While flowering plants typically require a bright window, or well lit room. Be mindful when moving your plants away from their established home. Many plants don't like to be moved, and can become stressed. Stay alert and look for signs of distress if you do decide to relocate them. 



3. Don’t Over Water -

This is a common mistake. Many house plants need a container with drainage holes, so that water doesn’t drown the roots. This can be very problematic for your green friends and can cause root rot. Keep an eye on the leaves, and check regularly for yellow or brown leaves. That's an indicator for over / underwatering watering. Cacti, and "plants of steel" such as snake plants thrive in humid, dry environments. I typically only water mine when they appear to look sad, and have brown leaves.


4. Keep them clean -

Plants get dusty, which can block sunlight. Simply spritz the leaves, or give it a quick rinse in the sink to keep your plants dust free and happy. 


5. Routine Haircuts -

Keep an eye on the leaf color. If you see yellow, or brown leaves snip them off at the base or pull them off if they are loose. Avoiding this step can draw all of the nutrients to heal the unhealthy leaves and cause stress on the rest of the plant.


6. Schedule -

The most helpful thing for me has been to schedule a day every week to check on your plants. Make sure they don't look brown, yellow, dusty, or just flat out sad. Take time to study any mysterious issues you may come across and try to fix it. I have found that scheduling time to take care of them helps avoid any bigger issues, and helps your plant babies stay happy and healthy :)


I hope you find this blog helpful in your house plant journey! Leave in questions in the comments!



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